Thursday, October 5, 2017


After a stressful day, I decided to relax in the front yard of my father's house. It was already getting late and so I was privileged to enjoy the cool evening breeze and no scorching sun as it was sunset already. In the course of my relaxation, I was entertained by the high traffic in front of the compound as a variety of activities ensued. Moving vehicles with different sorts of honks, chats and laughter, loud music playing across the street, greetings and various salutations, and so on, you can picture what a Lagos city could look like late in the day.

While these numerous events occurred concurrently, I noticed a couple walk by my house and they provoked a thought in my head. The thought was not some naughty deeds exhibited by my dad to make me tag him dumb, because my Dad is one of the most intelligent people I've met in this world. The thought provoked in my mind was the cycle of nature and how things have evolved in time past. The evolution of mankind for the few generations I've witnessed got me thinking and made me pick up my pen.

The couple that walked past me were pretty short and I thought of  how average their height must have been in the early days of their marriage and how perfect they must have looked. I immediately assumed that their wards must be taller than them, because that is a trend I've noticed in my family. My Dad is taller than his dad and I am taller than him, and I equally expect my kids to be taller than me. This means that the average height of this generation will some how be tagged short in some years to come. Well, their height is not actually my concern but the evolution of mankind.

From my observation, the current generation outsmarts their predecessors in intelligence despite being under the tutelage of their predecessors.  It is quite evident that we all have to put our parents through a number of techy appliances which we were never privileged to have attended a class for. I am equally sure that my parents did something similar to my grandparents despite their wealth of experience. This trend is possible to be in existence into perpetuity so my kids will probably teach me how to operate the innovations of nanotechnology.

This evolution is not just limited to height or intelligence but also to beauty and aesthetics, creativity, norms and ethics, fashion, etiquettes and behavior, technology and a number of other things. This therefore means that someway somehow, the future generations will in their own little way, outpace our very best innovative merchandise. Therefore validating the fact that preceding generations are dumber than their successors.

You should by now agree with me that your parents are dumber than you and the cycle won't end there as you'll certainly be dumber than your very own children. Our case might though be worse than our parents' as their generation is more diligent than ours. They paid more attention to hard work than we will ever do. So you're enjoined to act fast to avoid an impending danger

Thank you!

© DOKUNMU Oluwatosin